3 min readSep 14, 2024

Graphical Representation Series

Infographic in Graphical Representation: 10 Quotes

“Information graphics are an essential component of technical communication. Very few technical documents or presentations can be considered complete without graphical elements to present some essential data. Because engineers are visually oriented, graphic aids allow their thoughts and ideas to be better understood by other engineers. Information graphics are essential in presenting data because they simplify the content, offer a visually pleasing alternative to gray text in a proposal or an article, and thereby invite interest.” (Dennis K Lieu & Sheryl Sorby, “Visualization, Modeling, and Graphics for Engineering Design”, 2009)

“All graphics present data and allow a certain degree of exploration of those same data. Some graphics are almost all presentation, so they allow just a limited amount of exploration; hence we can say they are more infographics than visualization, whereas others are mostly about letting readers play with what is being shown, tilting more to the visualization side of our linear scale. But every infographic and every visualization has a presentation and an exploration component: they present, but they also facilitate the analysis of what they show, to different degrees.” (Alberto Cairo, “The Functional Art”, 2011)

“Competition for your audiences attention is fierce. The fact that infographics are unique allows organizations an opportunity to make the content they are publishing stand out and get noticed.” (Mark Smiciklas, “The Power of Inforgraphics”, 2012)

“Infographics combine data with design to enable visual learning. This communication process helps deliver complex information in a way that is more quickly and easily understood. […] In an era of data overload, infographics offer your audience information in a format that is easy to consume and share. […] A well-placed, self-contained infographic addresses our need to be confident about the content we’re sharing. Infographics relay the gist of your information quickly, increasing the chance for it to be shared and fueling its spread across a wide variety of digital channels.” (Mark Smiciklas, “The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to Communicate and Connect with Your Audiences”, 2012)

“The main difference between journalistic and artistic infographics is that, while in the first information must try to be as objective as possible, the second supports a complete subjectivity and can lend itself to different interpretations, all of them valid. That’s the concept of ‘subjective infographic’, something apparently contradictory.” (Jaime Serra, [interviewed] 2012)

“Violating established and functional color conventions makes it more difficult for the audience to understand an information graphic or a map. Respecting them gives the user that much less on which to expend unnecessary energy.” (Joel Katz, “Designing Information: Human factors and common sense in information design”, 2012)

“Good infographic design is about storytelling by combining data visualization design and graphic design.” (Randy Krum, “Good Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design”, 2013)

“A great infographic leads readers on a visual journey, telling them a story along the way. Powerful infographics are able to capture people’s attention in the first few seconds with a strong title and visual image, and then reel them in to digest the entire message. Infographics have become an effective way to speak for the creator, conveying information and image simultaneously.” (Justin Beegel, “Infographics For Dummies”, 2014)

“Infographics combine art and science to produce something that is not unlike a dashboard. The main difference from a dashboard is the subjective data and the narrative or story, which enhances the data-driven visual and engages the audience quickly through highlighting the required context.” (Travis Murphy, “Infographics Powered by SAS®: Data Visualization Techniques for Business Reporting”, 2018)

“The term ‘infographics’ is used for eye-catching diagrams which get a simple message across. They are very popular in advertising and can convey an impression of scientific, reliable information, but they are not the same thing as data visualization. An infographic will typically only convey a few numbers, and not use visual presentations to allow the reader to make comparisons of their own.” (Robert Grant, “Data Visualization: Charts, Maps and Interactive Graphics”, 2019)

More quotes on “Infographic” in Graphical Representation at


Written by Adrian

IT professional/blogger with more than 24 years experience in IT - Software Engineering, BI & Analytics, Data, Project, Quality, Database & Knowledge Management

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